
Welcome to Ashland Family Dental P.C.

At Ashland Family Dental P.C., we provide you with the preventative and restorative care you need without having to take off work or school.
We also know that you’d rather not be driving all around town for various dental specialty services, so we have a convenient, one-location approach.
It’s just another way we show our patients how much we care.

Family Dentistry

Adults and children have different needs when it comes to dental care. Adults want the best technology, the most informed doctors and the highest quality care while kids want to be comfortable and respected.

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Filtered Water Lines

We understand your concern about water quality and the importance of keeping you and your family healthy. For this reason, we utilize filtered water lines during our dental procedures.

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Mercury-Free Dentistry

We understand your concerns regarding the use of mercury fillings. Accordingly, at our office we have elected to offer our patients the option of using advanced, new fillings made of tooth-colored materials

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Teeth Whitening at Home

Now you can have significantly whiter teeth quickly and easily. You can whiten your teeth at home in a matter of a few days using our advanced at-home whitening kit.

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Beautiful, Long-Lasting Metal-Free Dentistry

At Ashland Family Dental P.C., we understand your concerns regarding the use of metal fillings. Accordingly, at our office we have elected to offer our patients

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